The Create Space Project

Yoga to Create Space is one of my favourite Yoga With Adrienne practices. And space is something that has been missing in our lives recently. Space to think, space to work, space to write, space to learn, space to get out, space for life. As I wrote at the beginning of the year, our arrival back in the UK was somewhat marred MiL’s accident four days in. Since then we’ve been on a bit of a roller-coaster, trying to juggle settling into the Hut, sorting out their long-neglected house and garden, acting as chief carer, cook and housekeeper and running my proofreading and editing business. Something had to give.

A carpet of daffodils in the (somewhat neglected) orchard 

Last week I reviewed my newly acquired FitBit, and extolled its virtues as a motivational tool. This was highlighted once again this week, as a heavy workload coupled with some poor weather at times when we would have gone out, revealed disappointing weekly statistics. One day I only managed to do 6,764 steps. Better than the average I was able to achieve in France, but nowhere near the regular totals inching towards 15k of the previous two weeks. On a positive note, however, my #yogaeveryday challenge is still on track and hit day 60, and it was yoga that inspired the thinking behind today’s post.

On the Yoga With Adrienne channel there’s a number of 30-day programmes, plus a monthly themed calendar putting together a new YWS vid for each day. A new 30-day programme comes out every year, on January 1. This year it was called Home, and I started the year with that and then went on to Yoga Camp, a series from 2016, which I hadn’t done before. I was looking around for some inspiration for March, and was vaguely thinking about doing some ‘power yoga’ to tackle ‘core strength (in other words, the midriff spare tyre!). Then up popped the YWA March calendar in my newsfeed, aptly entitled ‘Create’. Exactly what I was seeking; in the words of YWA “time to quiet the thinking mind and feel it out”.

With the new month heralding the arrival of Spring, it’s time for a new project. I’ve decided to call it our Create Space Project. This doesn’t mean creating more physical space for ‘stuff’, although I have promised to help MiL with a major wardrobe overhaul (I don’t think she’s quite ready for Project 333, yet though!). I’m thinking more about creating mental space and space in time for the things which are generally called ‘self care’. When I was unexpectedly thrust into the role of carer a very good friend reminded me of the importance of looking after yourself: “you can’t pour from an empty vessel”. This is so true and so important. I know that, despite my moans, it has not been too bad and I have had great support from Mr VV. I have the utmost admiration for the many others providing care, day in, day out, without support.

Fortunately, MiL is now on the mend and so carer duties have been reduced to preparing lunch (and they now have planted-based at least once a week), shopping and major laundry stuff, like changing the towels and beds, plus the general running about to doctors and hospital appointments. We’re at last getting a bit more time in the day. So, this month, we (Mr VV is on board with this project) are going to try to create space in our busy schedule to get outside more, get back to our thrice weekly long walks, actually take the time to read our library books, play the occasional game of Scrabble, work on the volunteer and hobby websites (Vivez Vegan and Twilight) and write stuff. This might mean scaling back in other areas, in particular the difficult and demanding clients, the impossible deadlines and the stuff that just isn’t well, frankly, enjoyable. It might mean less income, but it will mean more time. My hope is that somewhere in the quiet time new ideas will have the chance to develop and grow, and we can start to ‘find our tribe’.


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